Typical Timeline

A typical search is completed in four months with the delivery of list of approved candidates.

We understand the search committee has many demands on their time; therefore, we stay involved throughout the process ensuring delays are kept to a minimum. Our success depends on your success. We strive to keep the search and selection process on schedule.

The following is a typical example of timeline for an executive search:

Date Activity
Day One Initial meeting between Academic Keys and selection committee, advisory council, senior leadership (academic and managerial), human resources and other appropriate constituents from the University.
Week One Academic Keys to assist with position description.
Week Two The university search committee reviews the job description, revises, if necessary, and approves or provides feedback to Academic Keys.
Week Two Academic Keys to begin advertising campaign, proactive candidate outreach, and diversity advertising (if desired). Academic Keys to set up custom search utilizing CASS (proprietary software tool) to organize CV’s, cover letters, reference letters, and other materials to assist in the review and grading of candidates.
Month One Begin receiving applicant material
Month Two Academic Keys to conduct pre-qualification candidate interviews and deliver top candidates along with justifications and recommendations to search committee. Academic Keys to train search committee on use of CASS (resume organization, grading and selection software) to assist them in the review and grading of candidates.
Month Three Search committee to review candidates and advise Academic Keys of semifinalists.
Month Three Academic Keys to provide references and background checks on semifinalists.
Month Four Search committee to review references and conduct final interviews.
Month Four Final candidate selected.

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